Commercialization of soybean Production,

Drescot intends to diversify products and satisfy unserved profitable Soy cake and full soy fat market by procuring and installing a complete a 20 MT/day soy bean processing line. We shall also invest in a matched expansion of their business purchasing soybean grain and production of soybean seed by mobilising 8000 farmers into groups of 25 farmers (producing grain and soybean seed) each headed by a lead farmer called a Village Agent/Local Market Facilitator who will by 60% of the grain and seed produced by the farmers after conducting training (Agronomy, PHH, FaaB, Group Dynamics). He will also be responsible for setting up 160 soybean production demonstrations and will also work together with the 100 commercializing farmers each with at least 10 acres of land designated for production of soybean seed (foundation seed).
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Food - agriculture - protein
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Hello, welcome to 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge 2021! Thanks for participating and helping humanity solve one of the four survival challenges in one generation. Share your proposal with everybody and get as many votes as you can. Remember you have until September 8 to edit your information.
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Hello Mariana Hurtado Alvarado How do i share my proposal and how do i modify it. It's my first time to this system.
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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