Amazon Challenge

Because the pink dolphin and other species are in danger of extinction, due to environmental pollution, the role of this video game is to make people aware that by polluting the environment of the Amazon river some species can become extinct in special the pink dolphin. To achieve this objective, this video game has a special and fun main character called "Super Pink Dolphin", with which you can swim, jump and echo as a means of communication, these skills are necessary for the dolphin to achieve the different challenges proposed by the indigenous of the Awá tribe named Tainaky and head of the group of forest guardians who are in charge of protecting the ecosystem.
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Resources - circular - ecosystems
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Excellent project!
hace 3 años
Interesting, I wonder if it has any real impact on the dolphins, for example if you are collaborating with a local community or a conservation organization to have their input and contribute with resources.
hace 3 años
Interesting project, however, you could improve design issues as well as change the sea dolphin for a pink dolphin, a native species of the Amazon River.
hace 3 años
Nice project, you should support this project with better design
hace 3 años
Don't forget that your application must be in English so the evaluators can rate you. If you have any questions please contact us at
hace 3 años
Hello, welcome to 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge 2021! Thanks for participating and helping humanity solve one of the four survival challenges in one generation. Share your proposal with everybody and get as many votes as you can. Remember you have until September 8 to edit your information.
hace 3 años

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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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